package gol
import (
iters: int | *1 @tag(iters,type=int)
init55: [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
init33: [
[0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 0],
init: init33
// the dimensions of our grid
Y: len(init) - 1
_YR: list.Range(0, Y+1, 1)
X: len(init[0]) - 1
_XR: list.Range(0, X+1, 1)
#GameOfLife: {
// our initial state
"0": {
_grid: init
// loop over iterations
for i, _ in list.Range(0, iters, 1) {
// get the last iteration grid
let last = #GameOfLife["\(i)"]._grid
// this iteration
"\(i+1)": {
let Grid = [ for y, _ in _YR {
[ for x, _ in _XR {
// default calculations for neighbors
// Note, we don't need to check edges
// and use Cue's null coalescing to handle the edge cases!
_n: 0 | *last[y-1][x]
_ne: 0 | *last[y-1][x+1]
_e: 0 | *last[y][x+1]
_se: 0 | *last[y+1][x+1]
_s: 0 | *last[y+1][x]
_sw: 0 | *last[y+1][x-1]
_w: 0 | *last[y][x-1]
_nw: 0 | *last[y-1][x-1]
// sum of neighbors
C: _n + _ne + _e + _se + _s + _sw + _w + _nw
// current value for this cell
c: last[y][x]
// next value for this cell, defaults to dead
v: int | *0
r: *" " | "#"
// dead cell becomes alive
if c == 0 && C == 3 {
v: 1
r: "#"
// living cell remains alive
if c == 1 {
if C == 2 || C == 3 {
v: 1
r: "#"
_grid: [ for y, _ in _YR {[ for x, _ in _XR {Grid[y][x].v}]}]
state: strings.Join([ for y, _ in _YR {strings.Join([ for x, _ in _XR {Grid[y][x].r}], "")}], "\n")