Builtin Helpers

Several new builtin functions are proposed to address issues and inconsistencies.

Replacing _|_ (bottom):

  • error to enable user defined messages
  • isconcrete and exists for testing or comparisons


  • must(expr) passes if expr evaluates to true and fails otherwise
  • not(expr) passes if unified with a value x for which expr&x fails and false otherwise.
  • numexist(count, ...expr) passes if the number of expressions for which exists(x) evaluates to true unifies with count.
  • numconcrete(count, ...expr) passes if the number of expressions for which isconcrete(x) evaluates to true unifies with count.
  • numvalid(count, ...expr) passes if the number of expressions for which isvalid(x) evaluates to true unifies with count.


  • manifest(x) evaluates x stripping it of any optional fields and definitions and disambiguating disjunctions after their removal.
  • range(from, to, by) creates a stream of values like found in other languages
  • head([...]) returns the first element of a list
  • Package std would namespace all core builtins under the std package name.

You can find more details on GitHub issue: core builtin extensions

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