
CUE 的脚本层有一个工作流引擎,可以用于构建或执行任务图或 DAG。

它的 API 允许你在你自己的任务中使用这个工作流引擎。



  • TaskFunc 接口,用于转换数据到 flow.Runner
  • RunnerTask 是自定义任务的接口

你可以在 这里 找到工作流的文档。


package main

import (


var CTX cue.Context

// Our tasks specified as Cue
var input = `
tasks: {
	a: {
		foo: 1
		hello: string
	b: {
		foo: 2
	c: {
		foo: a.foo * 3
		goo: b.foo * 3

func main() {
	var err error
	fmt.Println("Custom Flow Task")

	// create context
	ctx := cuecontext.New()

	// Setup the flow Config
	cfg := &flow.Config{Root: cue.ParsePath("tasks")}

	// compile our input
	value := ctx.CompileString(input, cue.Filename("input.cue"))
	if value.Err() != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", value.Err())

	// create the workflow whiich will build the task graph
	workflow := flow.New(cfg, value, TaskFactory)

	// run our custom workflow
	err = workflow.Run(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

// This function implements the Runner interface.
// It parses Cue values, you will see all of them recursively
func TaskFactory(val cue.Value) (flow.Runner, error) {
	// You can see the recursive values with this
	fmt.Println("TF: ", val)

	// Check that we have something that looks like a task
	foo := val.Lookup("foo")
	if !foo.Exists() {
		return nil, nil

	num, err := foo.Int64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create and return a flow.Runner
	ct := &CustomTask{
		Val: int(num),
	return ct, nil

// Our custom task with some extra data
// While we only have one task here, you can have as many as you like
// It's up to the TaskFunc (TaskFactory above) to create the tasks
type CustomTask struct {
	Val int

// Tasks must implement a Run func, this is where we execute our task
func (C *CustomTask) Run(t *flow.Task, pErr error) error {
	// not sure this is OK, but the value which was used for this task
	val := t.Value()
	fmt.Println("CustomTask:", C.Val, val)

	// Do some work
	next := map[string]interface{}{
		"bar": C.Val + 1,
	hello := val.LookupPath(cue.ParsePath("foo"))
	if hello.Exists() {
		next["hello"] = "world"

	// Use fill to "return" a result to the workflow engine

	return nil

go run custom.go


Custom Flow Task
TF:  {
	a: {
		foo:   1
		hello: string
	b: {
		foo: 2
	c: {
		foo: a.foo * 3
		goo: b.foo * 3
TF:  {
	foo:   1
	hello: string
TF:  {
	foo: 2
TF:  {
	foo: a.foo * 3
	goo: b.foo * 3
CustomTask: 2 {
	foo: 2
CustomTask: 1 {
	foo:   1
	hello: string
TF:  {
	a: {
		foo:   1
		hello: string
	b: {
		foo: 2
		bar: 3
	c: {
		foo: a.foo * 3
		goo: b.foo * 3
TF:  {
	a: {
		foo:   1
		hello: "world"
		bar:   2
	b: {
		foo: 2
		bar: 3
	c: {
		foo: a.foo * 3
		goo: b.foo * 3
CustomTask: 3 {
	foo: a.foo * 3
	goo: b.foo * 3
TF:  {
	a: {
		foo:   1
		hello: "world"
		bar:   2
	b: {
		foo: 2
		bar: 3
	c: {
		foo: a.foo * 3
		goo: b.foo * 3
		bar: 4
2025 Hofstadter, Inc